Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Day at the Peace and Reconciliation Group

Today was my first day at the Peace and Reconciliation Group (PRG).  What a whirlwind day!  I showed up at 9:30 AM, was introduced to some of the people I will be working with, was reunited with my UofO buddy, Jake, and by 10:30 AM, was sitting in on a community dialogue, where a number of group representatives were discussing what each of their groups could contribute to ensure a peaceful August 12th. 

August 12th (this year celebrated on August 10th) is a big day for the Protestant population in Derry.  The Apprentice Boys of Derry, a Protestant fraternity, celebrate the "Relief of Derry" by holding a number of parades (what we in the U.S. would call "marches") and by having a massive bonfire where they burn an effigy of the "coward/traitor" who, in 1688, suggested that the followers of King William surrender to King James II.  The day is also big for Catholics who find the day's celebration an insult to their community.

After the community meeting, Jake and I enjoyed a quick lunch and a short walking tour of city centre.  We visited two malls, two cell phone stores, and avoided getting run over by cars as we played "Frogger" to cross the narrow streets. At 3:00 PM, I joined up with two PRG staff members on a whirlwind auto tour that included my first views of the Waterside, the Bogside, the Top of the Hill, and a trip to County Donegal in the Republic of Ireland.  The scenery was beautiful and mostly rural--in some ways, it reminded me a lot of Oregon.  And now I can say I have been in both countries on the island of Ireland.

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